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8:40 AM on May 25th, the X8157 train filled with automotive components, LCD panels, and aluminum battery materials embarked from Xi'an International Port Station, heading for Malaszewicz, Poland. This marked a significant milestone, as the unified brand of the China-Europe Express Train, launched in 2013, had completed its 90,000th journey. The extensive network is evident in the countless routes it has traversed, totaling over 7 billion kilometers.
In China, 87 established lines now operate at an average speed of 120 km/h, connecting 122 cities via key gateways like Alashankou, Hotan, Erlian, Manzhouli, Suiyin, Tongjiakou, and others. Internationally, three main corridors – Western, Central, and Eastern – have matured, complemented by new southern routes across the Caspian and Black Seas. These routes serve 25 European countries, 223 cities in Europe, and more than 100 Asian cities, virtually spanning the entire Eurasian continent.
Beyond the sheer numbers, the daily exchange of goods is impressive, with over 8.7 million standard containers valued at over $3800 billion. As seen through the work of station manager Li Pei, the cargo variety has evolved from IT products to clothing, cars, consumer goods, and even food items. Today, the train carries over 53 categories and 50,000 distinct items.
Customized trains, such as those carrying postal supplies, timber, tea, edible oils, ice cream, and electric vehicles, have also gained popularity. In just a decade, the value transported by these trains grew from $8 billion to $567 billion, showcasing their growing importance as the "golden train" of international trade.
The China-Europe Express Train's impact extends beyond economics, fostering greater global connectivity and presenting ample trade opportunities for regions along its route. Cities like Chongqing, Zhengzhou, and Yiwu have transformed into international hubs due to their involvement in the network. Even foreign ports like Duisburg, Germany, and Malaszewicz, Poland, have seen substantial growth in business and job creation.
Looking ahead, the next phase sees the train system enhancing efficiency and service quality. Daily travel distances within China and Europe have increased, resulting in faster transit times and a 34% boost in average payload. Regularly scheduled express services between major cities have been established, significantly reducing transportation durations. With advanced technologies like GPS and 5G, safety and reliability have been reinforced, while a comprehensive customer service platform ensures seamless operations.
Since May 2020, the train's monthly frequency consistently exceeded 1000 runs, cutting down the time needed to reach 10,000 trips from 90 months to just 7 months. The future holds further enhancements towards higher quality, better returns, and enhanced safety, ensuring the ancient Silk Road continues to thrive with renewed vitality.
This remarkable achievement is not just a milestone, but also a launching pad for continued growth and innovation. By sharing this story, we inspire others to learn about and appreciate the transformative power of the China-Europe Express Train.